5 Reasons You Should be Using a Cloud-Based Helpdesk

5 Reasons You Should be Using a Cloud-Based Helpdesk

A helpdesk is designed to assist customers or users, either internally within a company or with external clients or customers. Companies implementing a helpdesk solution can choose from on-premise or cloud-based help desk software.

On-premise helpdesk software is time-consuming and costly to implement, plus it requires ongoing IT support for maintenance. In today’s business world, distributed teams are increasingly common. That means companies must purchase a software license for each location, a costly proposition for today’s highly distributed teams.

Moving from a local ticketing system to a cloud-based one has several benefits for the users and the organization. A cloud-based system offers ease of implementation and maintenance, better accessibility, and it’s a more cost-effective solution for many companies. Let’s take a closer look at a few of the reasons to choose a cloud-based helpdesk.

Streamlined Ticket Management

You might be using emails, documents, or some other local system to manage IT tickets. Moving to a cloud-based system will undoubtedly streamline your ticket management process. By having all tickets visible through a single dashboard, it is easy to track and follow the progress of each entry. Centralized ticket management also means that support requests are less likely to fall through the cracks.

Tickets are more easily routed to the right representatives, meaning issues are resolved faster. It also allows for more efficient resource utilization. Your team won’t waste valuable time transferring requests to other representatives or departments. Instead, your customer service reps can focus on what they do best: solving customers’ problems and providing excellent service.

A cloud-based system also acts as a central repository for all requests that can be referenced at any time. Having access to past tickets and resolutions makes it easy for customer support representatives to offer solutions for new requests. With a customer portal, clients and customers can track and manage their support tickets from a web interface. They can reply to tickets directly from the portal interface, as well, so there’s less friction for following up with additional information or further questions. Customers can use the portal as a knowledge resource by referring to their past questions and answers, which reduces repeat requests.

Easy Access to the System

Since a cloud-based ticket system is hosted in the cloud, it can be accessed from a web interface using any device with an internet connection. One of the features of modern cloud-based systems is the ability to share a private link with customers who enter a support request. This link is unique to that user and the request, so they can use it to access the system easily at any time.

Cloud-based ticket systems can also be set up for access from public portals on a website or private portals on a company intranet. This kind of flexibility makes it possible to deploy your cloud-based helpdesk in a way that best accommodates your customers’ preferences. It also creates a seamless customer support process when switching between channels. Customers won’t need to search through emails to find the support ticket number they need to reference on a phone call. Instead, customers can easily access information on their support requests – no username or password required.

A Central Repository for Uploading and Sharing Important Files

Using a cloud-based solution has the benefit of acting as a data and file repository for your helpdesk. Often referred to as a knowledge base, the records of your past requests and responses can include attachments such as images, videos, PDFs, and ebooks. When you curate and organize this knowledge base over time, it can become a useful and highly relevant resource for your customers. And because it’s centralized in the cloud, every user has access to the most up-to-date, accurate information.

You’re also not restricted by storage constraints. As your company grows, your support ticket archive and knowledge base content grow along with it. With an on-premise solution, expanding your capacity means investing in additional hardware and storage infrastructure. It takes time for IT teams to get things up and running, so you could be waiting weeks or months for implementation. Leveraging a cloud-based solution means your helpdesk can grow right along with the needs of your company.

A Shared Inbox for Effective Communication

Almost everyone uses email today. A cloud-based ticket system is easy to navigate for most users, as it typically uses a similar structure for communications. Choosing a cloud-based helpdesk solution with a shared inbox for support requests offers even more benefits. A shared inbox provides your team with a comprehensive view of all support ticket communications. From this central inbox, the team can effectively manage ticket assignments, review draft responses before sending, and track comments made by individuals on a particular request. The result is a highly organized and simplified system that keeps everyone focused and in alignment.

Easy to Integrate with Other Cloud-Based Tools

Most companies today are already using cloud-based software for other functions such as email, file storage and sharing, office tools, and even accounting software. A cloud-based helpdesk is easy to integrate with the many cloud-based tools you’re already using.

SupportBee, for example, integrates with a variety of tools, from project management tools to CRMs, workflow tools, and notification solutions. Seamless integration with other tools allows you to configure a customized, automated workflow to keep your customer support process running smoothly.

Moving from a local helpdesk system to a cloud-based platform results in measurable performance and efficiency improvements over time. The benefits and flexibility of these systems make them well-suited for small operations and large enterprises alike. Today’s customers demand easier access, more transparency, and faster support resolutions. More companies are turning to cloud-based helpdesk solutions to deliver on their customer service promises.