Pivotal Tracker Integration

Pivotal Tracker is an award winning agile project management tool which not only helps in collaboration but also to get continuous feedback from the customers. For more information, please visit http://www.pivotaltracker.com/

Easily send Customer emails from SupportBee to Pivotal Tracker

The Pivotal Tracker integration can send your customer support tickets to Pivotal Tracker and create stories. If you get a support ticket that needs some work done, you can create a tracker story and send it to your Icebox without leaving SupportBee.

Support for Multiple Projects

You can send a ticket to multiple projects using the Pivotal integration. When you click on 'Send to Pivotal Tracker', all your projects would be listed in the 'Select Project' dropdown.

Assign the Story when you create it

Once you select a Pivotal project, we populate the Story Owner dropdown with all the members of that project. You can assign an owner before you send the ticket to Pivotal Tracker. By default, the story would have no owner.

Select a Story Type

You can also a select a Story Type before creating it. By default, we set it to Feature, but you can change the story to be a Bug, Chore or Release.

Adding the Pivotal Tracker Integration

To add the integration, click on 'Add to My SupportBee'. If this is the first integration that you are adding, you will have to enter your subdomain and you will be taken to a settings screen. Fill in the following details


Find the token under Profile (in the user menu) > API Token. You would have to click 'Create New Token'

Access SupportBee on behalf of

Choose the name of the agent/admin from the drop down menu

Using the Integration

To use the integration, open a ticket and click Integrations > Send to Pivotal.
You can edit the Title and Description of the story, and select the Project to which you want the Story to be sent. You can also assign the ticket to an owner, and give it a type. We also put a link to the ticket in the story description.